You may be asking yourself 'Who the hell is this guy?' so here is my primal resume. The idea of the Primal Resume came to me one day when I was bored and had absolutely nothing to do. I thought 'Ok, I am a primate, given that I should write the things I have done so far from a primate’s point of view'… three minutes later there it was.
The Primal Resume
by Gonzalo García


To survive and pass my genes to the next generation of primates.


I was born
November 30, 1983
Great achievement, not everyone is born as quiet as I did.
November 30, 1983 to Present
Great achievement, I am still alive, not everyone does that!


Roaming around, sleeping and eating.


I require few cares, I just need food, water, a bed, a toilet and of course toilet paper. I am an excellent companion, practically noiseless, eager to play either with grownups, children or both. Obedient, honest and loyal. I deal well with every kind of animals, including humans; I don’t deal well with 4+ legs insects and snake-like vertebrates.

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