From Toilet
by Gonzalo García

thinker     Toilet is world’s best place to read!

    It might be the water, the high levels of humidity, the awkward position or the solitude, but the toilet unleashes the full potential of our brains.

    Consensus indicates that reading in the toilet is a bad habit, but history proves that this 'bad' habit has given good things. People devour entire books in the toilet (not in one round I hope); people have found enlightenment and even found solutions to very difficult problems! (Ever heard of Newton?)

    Feel free to make a library out of you bathroom or a bathroom out of your library, but one book on top of the porcelain goddess is a must!

    Don’t be ashamed of, do not be shy, raise the head and let the world know "I do read in the toilet and I am damn proud of it!"

    Now, you may want to check the recommended reading material in the left side of the page. A link to a popular book store is provided in case you want to buy it. Come back later for new links on very nice books to read, on the toilet.

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